
$10 each, open to trades. Can mail anywhere!

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a pink chapbook on a tiger print rug


  • 25 pages, handbound, 2023

    Cosmic romp, a bad trip with a great wig. Serving filth, body horror, and weird bugs.

  • You didn't know this but I was controlling the wasps with my mind

    I made them crawl inside those fruits and die because I know how babies are made

    I imagined that fruits and wasps were sexually compatible so as to make the reality more exciting

    The reality that I crawled inside this poem and died and you're the father


  • 25 pages, handbound, 2022

    Poems written in waking, pain. Fragments of sentences overlapping, sounds like thoughts.

  • my god (shot down
    (the moon (mounted on my tongue
    (lambent (anchored (I know the day
    (but not the time (to set the light
    to spinning (I bear pain
    more than mind (I may not exist outside
    an empty mirror (slipped into hours (without
    eyes (I don't get out of my skull
    (unless I have to (


  • 16 pages, handbound, 2022

    At sunrise. Or sunset. Ledger of birdsong, sky—elder poems. Dying.

  • Wren at the window, won’t you come in. Even if I told a lie. I did not meet the night at the door to kiss the light from its mouth and douse it in mine. Even then, would you part my eyelid and come in.